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Writer's Journal #7


After completing the looping activity for the Literacy Narrative assignment, I felt reinvigorated towards writing the Literacy Narrative because I had been practicing and looping what I wanted to say over and over again. I particularly enjoyed the Freewriting sections, where I wrote for three minutes straight and tried to stay on topic. Prior to the looping activity, I wasn't quite sure about what I wanted to write about, but after completing it, I'm fairly certain. I think the looping activity helped quite a bit in the Literacy Narrative assignment, and I think it's necessary if you want to write a good assignment. I haven't tried anything like this before, but I certainly think it's a practical way to improve your writing insight. I did notice, however, that the self-assessment section at the end had only two levels for grading yourself, rather than the four that usually manifests in the Writer's Journal self-assessment area.

I think the primary insight that came out form the looping activity was the fact that this assignment changed itself from a task to a fun activity, an experience to elaborate about your interesting and calamitous writing experiences. It'll almost be like a story of its own, and I think the looping activity made that clear. While I see it as a bit more of a freewriting experience than these Writer's Journals, I still think it has enough structure to allow whoever is reading the Literacy Narrative to understand what the writer is saying without too much struggle. The looping activity is a key part in being able to write the Literacy Narrative fluently, so that's why I made sure to complete it before writing the first draft.

The looping activity poses as a very good inventional tool, but I would not use it any later in the writing process than it is intended to be used. For example, if I was writing an essay, I wouldn't want to use it after I had written the first draft. I think the looping activity is intended to be used to give you ideas to write your first draft, and shouldn't be used after you have actually done the writing, whether it be the first draft, the second draft, or the final draft. It helped me both re-imagine the nature of the Literacy Narrative assignment, and to "refuel" myself on the topic that I had chosen to write about in the Literacy Narrative. I would not be hesitant to use it for other writing tasks, because it seems to clear up any concerns I might have about a particular assignment, and help me to see assignments in a different way than normal. I would also use it for other communication literacies, like emails or story-writing, and I feel that it would have a large impact on the quality of my writing.

And that is all for Writer's Journal #7.

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