The first website I'd probably pick is the ASU website. The second website is the Khan Academy website, and the final website is the Foundation for Intentional Community website. Here is the list of strategies:
On the Foundation for Intentional Community website, a quick and easy way to search for community items without having to log in or sign up.
On the ASU website, a high level of security to give a peace of mind to users.
On the Khan Academy website, an emphasis on the fact that they are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company.
For the Foundation for the Intentional Community website's strategy, it works towards the purpose of making sure that users take advantage of their quick and easy ability to search the community. For the ASU website's strategy, it works towards making sure users know that they are protected by the high level of security enforced. On the Khan Academy website, their strategy shows that they are working towards the purpose of letting people know that they are using a non-profit corporation, which may change some users' view of Khan Academy in a good way.
Looking at these strategies and lists and summaries, I would probably choose Khan Academy as the best fit for the Rhetorical Analysis assignment, simply because its purpose is aimed more towards satisfying customers and drawing them in so they can use Khan Academy's services.