After completing the Talk-to assignment, I discovered some new parts of the context analysis draft I'd written that either weren't quite right or didn't make sense. For example, I hadn't realized how I had sort of dragged the ending on for too long until I had completed the Talk-to; that was when I looked back on the draft and saw the issue, and then wrote about it. That helped to strengthen my revision plan for fixing all the issues that I spotted during the Talk-to. The thing that stood out from the experience was the last two parts of the assignment: I had to envision what a professor would say about the draft, and that really helped me shape what I think about the draft that I wrote and how I should improve it. There are really two main things that need to be changed and fixed with the first draft: it needs to stop rambling on and on near the end, trying to wrap things up, and just get it over with, and I need to lessen the repetition of ideas near the beginning. For example, I keep mentioning the same things and talking about the same points over and over again, which can get annoying from a reader's perspective.
Here is a list of what I will need to do when revising the context analysis (in the order I will do them:)
First, reread the context analysis to see if there's anything else wrong with it.
Fix the issue with the too much repetition of ideas near the beginning.
Fix the issue where the ending is dragged out for far too long.
Finally, read the final draft to check it for any remaining issues.
Submit it.
I'll do things in that order because I feel that the most serious ideas should come first. The repetition of ideas could really get on readers' nerves, and I feel that it's pretty important, so I'll complete that revision first. Next, I'll fix the issue where the ending is dragged out for too long, since that's a little bit less of a gaping problem. Finally, as I always do, I'll read the final draft over and check it for grammatical errors or anything else that I might've missed in the revision process. After that, I'll do the final submission. And that's pretty much the plan I've created for revising the context analysis.
That's all for Writer's Journal #12.