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Writer's Journal #10


The space that I will use for this Writer's Journal is, let's say, a crowded restaurant, where each table is crammed full with people, and there is a long line of people waiting to be seated. The noise levels have risen to extremely high levels, perhaps 90 or 100 dB every second, and everything smells burned from the kitchen. It is extremely hot inside, as if the air conditioner isn't working quite right, and the crowd waiting to get in is groaning and moaning. Of course, the purpose of this place is to serve people food, but at the moment it seems more like a torture machine (heat, the crowd, the noise) than an opportunity to satisfy your stomach. Right now, this place isn't doing anything to work towards achieving that purpose; instead, it's working away from that purpose and instilling the fact that no, we don't care about your welfare into customers' minds. A shoddy, hit-or-miss experience characterizes this restaurant. Many customers are already leaving halfway through their meals.

This restaurant is not at all tailored to the average user. It only responds to the type of person who likes to be loud, throws parties all the time, drinks beer, and likes his food burned, since it is showing that it only provides burned food, a loud environment, and other such discomforts to the average user. As a result, this place does not define the ideal of the normal user, since it does not respond to the concerns of that normal user. Perhaps, on a normal, less crowded weekday, the restaurant does a bit of a better job of serving their average customers. However, as it has been reported that they "take pride" in not having a microwave, I can assume that the food quality is not subject to change from its burned, charred state right now, in the middle of the evening. This shows that this place is unfit for providing food and service to customers, because the restaurant cannot do this without ruining each and every customer's evening.

As the evening goes on, the noise starts to increase as more and more customers get seated. The line lessens near the front doors, as it would, but that gives way to louder noise, and more burned food as the kitchen tries to keep up with the overdose of customers. That causes more "average" customers to leave without a tip, sometimes without paying. Others, however, stay to party and drink beer and get drunk all night long; they cater to the restaurant's ridiculous purpose and encourage this sort of performance to the point where other customers will never hear the end of it. And so it goes on, all night, until even the employees get sick of it and leave for the day, running away from the madness. As a result, this place is not at all fit for any customer except a rowdy person who lives to get drunk and have parties in the middle of the night.

That is all for Writer's Journal #10.

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